Stop High Pitched Ringing in Ears - Tinnitus Relief

Tinnitus Relief

People from around the country and all walks of life can experience tinnitus which is a disturbing ringing in the ears. While there's no known cure there are ways to help.

 What Exactly is Tinnitus?

 Tinnitus is the perception of noise or ringing in the ears and it's a problem that affects millions of people. Just about anyone can be affected and in fact up to 42% of newly diagnosed people are under the age of 55.

What Are The Common Causes of Tinnitus?

 Tinnitus can be caused by ageing or loud noises or some problems with ear wax or even some medications. A variety of medical conditions can cause tinnitus like nasal congestion. TMJ problems or different dental issues can also cause tinnitus and more serious conditions like brain injury and blood vessel disorders. 

When are people most bothered by tinnitus?

People are usually bothered by tinnitus during quiet times. Like reading a book or having a soft quiet conversation especially when they're trying to go to sleep.

While there's no known cure there are ways to ease the symptoms of tinnitus.

 One of the most important things is to talk to your ear nose and throat specialist (E.N.T.) and you can also try a supplementation like Lipo-Flavonoid. 
Lipo-Flavonoid can help some people reduce the ringing in their ears. 

The ingredients within Lipo-Flavonoid have been studied for over 50 years. 
In a recent study of doctor considered it to be the number one recommendation by ENTs.  Lipo-Flavonoid is also considered as the most effective over-the-counter solution reduce hearing.
One big complaint for tinnitus sufferers is falling asleep. They have developed the regular Lipo-Flavonoid and in the nighttime. This has time release melatonin so people can fall asleep and stay asleep. 

The SONOREST SLEEP TONES machine was developed to create the best possible sleep environment for folks with ringing in the ears.

 To find out more come and visit our website at View our  entire line of products and download a coupon. Our sleep solutions are available exclusively at Walgreens and Walmart.
